Echinodorus mix MP – muricatus Mother Plant
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E. muricatus seems to be close to Echinodorus cordifolius, also a hybrid cannot be excluded. In its terrestrial form, it develops elongate-ovate, medium green leaves and is about 30 cm tall. The submerged leaves have a more elongate shape. The plant resembles Echinodorus cordifolius “Fluitans” but differs by broader leaf blades.
The plant is mostly delivered in its emersed (terrestrial) form with long stalked aerial leaves, but after planting into the tank shorter stalked submerged leaves will appear, and the older emersed foliage can be cut off. As well as other Echinodorus, it benefits much from nutrient supply by the substrate. CO2 supply is not strictly necessary but may enhance its growth. Under favourable conditions inflorescences with adventitious plantlets can be expected. When the young plants are strong enough, they can be cut off and replanted.